Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring is in the Hare

Hi, everyone, my Mama made a video with clay me in it for the first day of spring!! Here it is!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pictures from Auntie's Birthday!!

Pictures from Auntie's Birthday!

(which was in January, but I just never got around to posting these until now, 'cause Mama was posting some on her blog and I figured I'd post some here)

Mama didn't take any of these pictures, Gramma took them all. But Mama edited them in Picasa 3.

For Auntie's birthday my human family had special food for lunch, while I just had hay, as usual (hmph). Then after lunch they had heart-shaped cupcakes which Auntie had made and iced with pretty pink icing and sprinkles.

Here is Auntie with her cupcake

Here are Uncle and Auntie with their cupcakes--yes, I know, it wasn't Uncle's birthday, but he and Mama both got candles in their cupcakes too, just because they wanted them. And Auntie said that was okay, so I guess it was.

Here is Auntie with the card Mama made for her

Here is Auntie opening the present Mama made for her (well, actually, for her doll--a mini Boxcar Children book)

And here is the face she made when she saw how small Mama had written in there and how she tried to squeeze the basic stuff that happened in the story into that tiny little book...

Don't worry, Auntie, Mama and I know that you do like it. I just thought that was a funny face you were making. :)

Anyway, Happy way late Birthday on my blog, Auntie!! I love you tons!!!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Uncle Jacob's race.....

Yesterday Uncle ran in a 5K race. I promise pictures soon, Mama told me to get off the computer now.

Okay, pictures now....

The race was at Vasona Park. It was by an organization called Jenny's Light, so it was the Jenny's Light 5K.

This is a collage that Mama made in Picasa 3 which is a really cool photo editing program!!! ('cause she uses it to edit pics of me :D)

Anyway....more pics!!

This is Uncle's number. He showed it to somebody from the WolfPak at the race and she said it was a fast number. :)

Here is the start of the race. You can't see Uncle because he's behind a lot of people and kind of short(er).

Here is what the clock looked like.

Here is Uncle finishing!!

And here is Uncle after the race (with Auntie being a goof and sticking in the side of the picture).

That's all for now.

Violet Lilac M.