Okay, so here are FINALLY some pictures from my family's trip to visit Lizzy's family!!
On the way there.....Uncle and Mama being silly and taking a picture of each other taking a picture. (that's not Uncle's camera that he's holding, it's Grampa's work camera)

Then when they got there......
A "fairy" that Mama made for Casey a long time ago:

Two of Casey's "fairies":

Casey's Warrior books!

Mama thought it was cool that she had almost all of them and then read two whole books while she was there......ugh, Mama reads too much. ;) Anyway, that's all for the first day!
The second day.....
Uncle pretending to wear Casey's sister Ruthie's sunglasses.....he's going to be mad if he finds out I posted this picture so don't tell him!!

"The girls" setting up for an LPS wedding:

Casey's camera...not sure why Uncle took this picture or why I am posting it...

Ruthie's cute purple LPS bunny!!

The arch for the wedding with what Mama and Auntie call the "charm of love" hanging from it (they always hang it at their LPS weddings. I think that's silly, but I do like it because it has a bunny on it, which you can hardly see in this picture):

Here are ALL the LPS animals who came to the wedding:

Here are the bride, groom, flower girl, and ring bearer (all of them except the groom, who is Ruthie's, are Auntie's):

And now some Photoshopped pictures because Mama got a free trial of Photoshop a while ago:

(this one looks way cooler if the picture is bigger)

(an artistic one, Mama says)
A clay bunny of Casey's.....but she has LOTS more!!

After the LPS wedding everybody went to a park that has a zoo in it. Here's Uncle and Casey's brothers Nate and Wesley in a tree at the park:

Here's Uncle blowing a bubble with his gum (Picasa'd):

...and another one, from Grampa's camera:

Here are some pretty flowers Mama was taking pictures of by the entrance to the zoo:

A pretty waterfall by the entrance to the zoo:

Here's a lizard like Lizzy!

And there were a bunch of cute bunnies at the zoo (but I know I'm cuter!!):


The place where a beaver was:

A bald eagle, which Mama had never seen in real life before. Boy, I'm glad I wasn't there!!

Ruthie (with Auntie's arm in the picture):

A sign on a gate (Photoshopped):

A flower on a tree:

Auntie doing Ruthie's hair:

All done!

The girls:

Mama and Casey:

Then they went on a train in the park. Here's Mama's ticket:

Auntie and Ruthie on the train:

And them after the train ride:
The roof of something Mama was sitting under (don't know what to call it):

really wearing Ruthie's sunglasses (please please
please don't tell him about this one especially...):

Mama says she wanted to get a picture so you could see that the sunglasses said "I ♥ Troy", and Uncle was wearing them!!!

And here she is.....the famous LIZZY!!! Mama only got one good picture of her.

Well, that's all for the first two days and I'll upload more pictures later. So bye for now!!
Violet Lilac