Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hello again.....I went to the vet yesterday, she looked at my eye.  It has glaucoma so I have to go to the eye doctor/vet person.  My cousin David the guinea pig went too, he had a big huge icky abcess (I don't know how to spell that word), it's like a giant blister or something, it had puss in it and they had to get it out.  It went down really deep because he had had it for a long time, and it grosses out my Mama.  Now he has to take antibiotic and pain medicine.  Well, Mama's going to make a stopmotion, so I have to get off now.

Comments, please?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hi, this is Violet.  I don't think I'm going to be blogging on here much.  Lizzy the lizard's owner Casey is my Mama's friend, that's why I got a blog on here.